What we do?
Maquett conducts usability tests with focus groups of respondents and expert UX/UI analysis of digital products (websites, web-based systems, mobile applications, IoT interfaces).
The main goal is to optimize the user journeys and eliminate any UX/UI defects in digital products. This way a better functional and aesthetic performance is achieved and therefore your customers will be happier and more loyal.
Why Maquett?
Why Maquett?
Cost Saving
Fixing a problem is 10 times cheaper at the Design phase rather than the Development phase. Furthermore, it is 100 times cheaper during the Design phase compared to a launched and ready digital product.
Usability tests empirically validate the business and design-level decisions and therefore optimize and protect the investment.
Why Maquett?
Time Saving
Over 85% of User Experience (UX) related problems can be found through a usability test*.
Finding them on time helps in the fast and problem-free launch of the digital product in the market.

Why Maquett?
We Work with Real Data
The moderated usability tests we conduct are the best method for obtaining quality and validated data in usability research. They clearly show whether users of a given product effectively perform the tasks for which they use it. We measure quantitative (empirical) and qualitative (aesthetic) indicators.
We base our conclusions and recommendations on real data from actual users, not on assumptions.

Why Maquett?
We Provide Concrete Recommendations
After conducting the test, our UX/UI experts with years of experience in the field prepare a detailed report that includes specific recommendations for improving the user experience and achieving your KPIs. These recommendations can be implemented immediately.

Small Usability Test
A moderated test with a prototype or a working digital product involving 5 respondents* can identify up to 85% of the issues. It is highly suitable for standard digital products with minimal target group variability, as well as for validating previously researched and modified functionalities.
- Optimized time and budget for conducting the test
- Very good detection rate of usability-related problems
- The recommendations for addressing the problems can be implemented immediately
Standard Usability Test
A usability test conducted on an existing digital product or prototype with 8 respondents can identify over 85% of the problems. Each moderated online session has a duration of up to 1 hour. This test is suitable for more complex digital products and the identification of complex issues.
- Allows for a more in-depth analysis of user interaction with the product
- Can be combined with additional follow-up tests to analyze the impact of implemented changes
Extended Usability Test
A usability test conducted on an existing digital product or prototype with up to 30 respondents. This service allows for testing of extensive interfaces designed for a broader range of demographic groups.
- Suitable for testing complex UX/UI scenarios to cover a wide range of user groups
- Provides detailed feedback from users organized by demographic groups
- Can be combined with additional follow-up tests to analyze the impact of implemented design changes

Comparative Analysis
A comparative analysis that compares the usability test results of a digital product with that of a competitor. During the test, respondents perform real and identical tasks on your website, mobile app, software, or their prototypes, as well as on those of the competitor. This allows for a direct comparison of user journeys and provides specific insights.
- Direct comparison of the performance of your product with that of a competitor
- Easy identification of strengths and weaknesses of your digital product compared to the benchmark or competitor
- The recommendations provided are practical and can be implemented immediately

Focused Follow-up Test
This test allows you to verify already implemented solutions after conducting a test or analysis of a digital product. It typically involves 5 respondents and focuses specifically on one or a few user journeys and/or UX/UI scenarios.
- An excellent way to validate how more complex implemented changes in a particular interface perform in a real environment
- Provides quick results as it usually tests a small number of scenarios that have already been processed once
Expert Analysis
A specific digital product is examined and analyzed by an expert from Maquett with extensive experience in solving UX/UI problems. A report is prepared with identified issues, as well as proposals for addressing them. The expert analysis is a heuristic investigation and does not involve interviews with respondents.
- Significantly faster and more cost-effective than moderated usability tests with respondents
- Highly suitable for addressing common problems
- The proposed solutions are practical and immediately applicable
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the steps of a test?
- Step 1: Define the key user journeys or flows that will be included in the test. Convert these journeys into tasks that the respondents will need to complete.
- Step 2: Identify the demographic groups that correspond to the user personas. Choose the relevant demographic characteristics to be used as criteria for data analysis. Find suitable respondents from our database.
- Step 3: Verify the tasks and ensure that the overall test duration does not exceed the recommended 60 minutes by conducting an internal test.
- Step 4: Schedule and organize interviews with the selected respondents. Conduct the interviews and check the quality of the recorded sessions. Replace participants if necessary.
- Step 5: Collect and download qualitative and quantitative data from the recorded sessions. Analyze the data accordingly.
- Step 6: Prepare recommendations based on the identified issues and the analyzed data. Include these recommendations in a report along with all the gathered qualitative and quantitative data.

What is a moderated usability test?
- The test is conducted on a prototype, beta version, or live product.
- The test is conducted with respondents selected based on the criteria defined during the target audience selection.
- In general, the test is conducted online unless the nature of the product requires physical interaction. The purpose is to place the respondent in conditions that are as close to reality as possible, thereby avoiding "socially desirable" responses.
- The test collects both qualitative and quantitative information. Quantitative information is in metric form and includes measurable criteria such as success rate, task completion time, error rate, and more. Qualitative information gathers aesthetic and emotional data, such as satisfaction, likelihood of recommendation, liking, and others.

What is a prototype?
- A prototype is a version of the product that closely resembles its real appearance and provides a complete user experience.
- It is created with real content, including products, their descriptions, prices, etc.
- The prototype allows testing of various user journeys, making them as functional as possible, before the product is developed in a real environment.

What do I receive after the test?
- A report consisting of approximately 60-120 pages (depending on the type and complexity of the test)
- A typical report includes the following sections: Summary, Recommendations, Analysis of the quantitative data, Methodology, and Appendices
- Depending on the number of tested user journeys, their complexity, and the number of errors encountered during task completion, the "Recommendations" section will contain between 10 and 80 specific improvement suggestions
- The report is presented and discussed with the client to ensure that all data and recommendations are clear and understood
- Upon request, Maquett can assist in implementing the recommendations using our own resources or by recommending one of our partners for more specialized tasks

Some of the indicators we measure
Матрица за Трудност спрямо Успеваемост
и време за изпълнение на задача (размер на ръга)

Average performance for a task represents the ability of participants in the test to successfully complete the given task. The coefficient is measured in percentages, where 0% indicates participants who abandoned or failed to complete the task, and 100% represents those who completed the task according to expectations.

Time to Complete a Task
Time to complete a task by a participant is measured from their first interaction with the task or the product until the moment they reach the target screen or inform the facilitator that they have completed the task.

Error Rate
Average number of errors - it is calculated as the simple average of the number of mistakes made by all participants while completing each of the tasks in the test.

Satisfaction - After completing the tasks in the test and finalizing their work with the tested product, participants give a score based on their experience during the test. This score is on a scale from 1 (very unsatisfied) to 7 (very satisfied).

Overall Satisfaction
Overall satisfaction includes the evaluation criteria of navigation, design and colors, texts, icons, functionality, satisfaction, task difficulty, and likelihood of recommendation. The rating scale ranges from 1 to 7.

Net Promoter score
Net Promoter Score is calculated based on the degree to which the participants in the test would recommend the tested product.

Our team
Key people in our team

Selected clients


Maquett helps you
- To discover what actually works for your users and what doesn’t so that they can be happy to use your product
- To learn what needs to be changed so you can meet the user expectations
- To improve specific KPIs (key performance indicators) through the implementation of prioritized recommendations
- To save time and money
- To have a better working product and happy, loyal customers
Let’s test IT
Petya Parvanova // petya.parvanova@maquett.com // +359 879697758